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Houzz, the online platform for home renovation and design, has released findings from a recent survey* of its community of homeowners to find out how the coronavirus pandemic impacted their home improvement projects. 

The survey of more than 3,700 UK homeowners using Houzz, found that three in five respondents were inspired to start a home renovation or design project during the pandemic (68%).

When it comes to financing a project, cash is the preferred method for the majority (68%). Of those that opt for cash, more than a third of homeowners – who had undergone a renovation or are planning a project during the pandemic – report that some or all of those savings are a result of decreased spend in other areas during the pandemic (36%). Reduced holiday costs, entertainment costs and commuting costs were the biggest areas for savings (31%, 27% and 17%, respectively).

Among those that have completed or are currently in the midst of a project, professional hiring remains high at 76%. More than half of those currently planning a renovation will hire a professional’s help (59%).

Digital tools, such as invoicing and payments, visualisation tools and video calls (33%, 16% and 13%, respectively) are helping homeowners to work remotely with professionals. Among those utilising these technology tools, three in five say they feel more comfortable moving their project forward during the pandemic as a result (60%).

*Data was sourced from an online survey fielded to UK Houzz users between 10th - 24th December 2020.

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