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  • Mosaic piece destroyed in video


© Smashed Crab Mosaics/ Facebook

An artist who creates large mosaic artworks as a hobby was left devastated after seeing a video of one of her creations being smashed into pieces by the man whom she had gifted it to.

Taryn Dallas created the 1.8m-high piece for cabaret host Magnus Danger Magnus, of Perth, Australia, based on a photo of him performing.

The video of Magnus destroying the artwork was posted online by art workshop Perth Artifactory, where the artwork had been housed for the two years since it was given to Magnus.

At the start of the video, Magnus explained that the “wonderful giant thing that weighs a million tonnes” was too big to fit in his house, before determining that he needed to destroy it to “preserve its beauty.”

Magnus then goes on to take a sledgehammer to the work of art and smash it into pieces in front of a crowd of people.

As reported by Daily Mail online, Taryn responded to the post by speaking of her devastation at seeing the man “publicly destroying” her artwork. She also explained how she had to take time off work as her face was swollen from crying.

The video has now been taken down and Magnus has posted an apology to Taryn on the Perth Artifactory’s Facebook page.

The full video can be viewed here.

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