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RUBI UK Worldskills

Young apprentice Mark Scott, sponsored by RUBI UK, has been selected to represent the UK in Wall and Floor Tiling at WorldSkills Kazan 2019.

Apprentice tiler Mark, from North Lanarkshire, Scotland, has been selected to represent the UK at the WorldSkills event in Russia, from 22nd to 27th August.

In this sense, the UK’s best and brightest young skilled apprentices and students have been selected to represent all four nations in Team UK at the ‘Skills Olympics’ in Russia.

More than 30 young professionals from engineering, hospitality and professional services, construction and digital and IT - have cleared the highest hurdle in a two-year challenge to be the best in the World.

These skilled young people have already triumphed in regional and national competitions and had one more momentous obstacle to overcome at Team Selection events the length and breadth of the UK.

The results were revealed at Loughborough University which has a strong association with training Team GB for the Olympics.

Mark Scott finished 7th out of 13 at EuroSkills Budapest 2018. The 21-year-old trains for his apprenticeship at City of Glasgow College and works for McGoldrick & Sons.

Mark was selected to train as part of Squad UK, after excelling in the National Finals of the Wall and Floor Tiling Competition at WorldSkills UK LIVE, run in partnership by WorldSkills UK and CITB.

Mark represented the UK in Wall and Floor Tiling at EuroSkills Budapest 2018 last September and finished was ahead of competitors from some of the most highly-regarded European countries in Wall and Floor Tiling. Mark achieved one of the best marks the UK has ever achieved in Wall and Floor Tiling in past competitions. This stands the UK in a good position for WorldSkills Kazan 2019.

The support from RUBI UK and Ireland will be of vital importance for competitors to showcase their abilities.

Mr Vladimir Hoyos, Managing Director of RUBI UK LTD, said: “Sponsoring WorldSkills UK has been most rewarding for RUBI UK, it has given us a broader perspective of the work involved in training to high standards future professional tile fixers.

“One of our company’s main goals is to make a positive impact in the daily work that professionals undertake when using our tools, we are confident that we have achieved the same with the two UK finalists.

“All competitors have shown natural skills and high levels of commitment and dedication, we wish you the best in Kazan 2019.”

More than 60 countries are sending elite teams to the Tatarstan Capital 800 km east of Moscow - to do battle and go for bronze, silver and gold in 56 different skills disciplines.

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