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Over a million euros for Cevisama’s most ambitious Buyer Programme

This month, at the headquarters of the Spanish ceramics trade association ASCER, Cevisama presented the features underpinning the upcoming edition of the show, which runs from 24 to 28 February 2025 at Feria Valencia. The presentation was well attended by the business community, both companies that exhibit and others interested in taking part in the upcoming fair, with all able to find out everything they needed to know about the upcoming tile and bathroom show at first hand.

Attendees were welcomed by ASCER president Vicente Nomdedeu and heard presentations by Feria Valencia general manager Jorge Fombellida and the institution’s deputy general manager, Daniel Marco. Cevisama’s director, Carmen Álvarez, also spoke. 

Robust Buyer Programme

One of the features that sparked most interest was the presentation of the Buyer Programme’s main objectives for this upcoming edition, which is also being supported by entities such as IVACE + I Internacional and Feria Valencia itself. In this regard, it is expected that the investment in the Spanish and international sides of the Programme together will exceed €1m, making this one of Cevisama’s most ambitious investments designed to bring professionals with the most purchasing power to the event.

The aim is for Cevisama to continue to be a compelling draw for the international market. At the last edition of the fair, around 28% of the 70,000 buyers who visited were foreign, many of whom came as part of the co-ordinated Guest Buyer Programme.

For 2025, the aim is that all the most powerful and influential Spanish and international distributors and specifiers visit, especially those from countries that are particular target markets for ‘made in Spain’ tiles and bathrooms – essentially the United States, which remains strategically important for Cevisama. As well as the USA, the scheme will also be targeting markets such as France, Portugal, Germany, the United Kingdom, Holland, Morocco and Belgium. 

Support from exhibitors

Cevisama will use its own databases of Spanish and international buyers to deliver the above but the exhibitors themselves will also be involved. This has in fact been the case for several years but in response to their own request, exhibitors will play a bigger role in 2025.

What this means is that exhibitors will be able to invite their customers directly, as part of the guest buyers programme, thus doubling the strength of the drive to recruit buyers to attend. On the one hand the companies will be enhancing their commercial image whilst on the other, the fair will build a pool of top-level buyers that will make the event even more attractive.

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